Hannah Stein

Journalist | Blogger | Photographer

Hello! My name is Hannah Stein and welcome to my portfolio. You can view my resume by clicking on CV and browse my writing samples from the various publications I've worked at during my career. Please get in touch with me! 

Providing Psychological First Aid to Uganda’s Landslide Victims

Heavy rains in Uganda have triggered widespread flooding, leading to catastrophic landslides throughout the country. The Elgon region, a mountainous area straddling the border with Kenya, is prone to landslides (experiencing more than 400 since 2008) due to its steep slopes and heavy rainfall. Just ten days ago, a landslide claimed almost 30 lives, left 100 people missing, and displaced more than 3,000 households.

World AIDS Day: How Mental Health Treatment Supports the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

On December 1, we join the global community in commemorating World AIDS Day, a time to raise awareness and reflect on the progress made in the fight against HIV/AIDS and the work still ahead.  The African continent is disproportionately affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, accounting for 70% of all global HIV cases. Three out of four newly infected adolescents globally are also from sub-Saharan Africa, highlighting the urgent need for targeted interventions.

Zambia's Climate Crisis: A Severe Drought Takes its Toll on Lives, Economies, and Mental Health

Climate change is causing severe droughts in many parts of the world. Zambia is facing the worst drought in decades, causing widespread crop failures and crippling the country’s infrastructure, which relies on hydroelectric power. Many people are now facing starvation and hunger as well as severe economic hardship, as farmers and agricultural businesses lose significant income and profits.

World Suicide Prevention Day: Confronting Depression and Suicide in Africa

Suicide is a major public health concern that touches individuals and families around the world. It is estimated that more than 700,000 people die from suicide each year, with more than 73% occurring in low- and middle-income countries.  In Africa, the suicide rate is higher than the global average—in part due to inadequate services to address mental health conditions, such as depression, that affects nearly 30 million people on the continent.

Kiteezi Landslide Highlights Urgent Need for Mental Health Care in Climate Disaster Responses

On August 9, tragedy struck when a mountain of garbage collapsed in Uganda’s capital of Kampala, killing 35 people. The Kiteezi landfill has served as Kampala’s only waste dump for decades, receiving 2,500 tons of waste daily. The landslide buried dozens of homes near the site on the outskirts of the city, displacing around a thousand people, while dozens remain missing.

Improving Educational Outcomes by Supporting Adolescent Mental Health

As fall approaches, students across the globe prepare for the new school year. This time of year can bring a mix of excitement, anticipation, and stress as they navigate social expectations and external challenges that can severely impact their ability to concentrate on their studies. Food insecurity is a significant concern, with droughts and unprecedented weather patterns leading to strains on agricultural production and worsening food shortages.

World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day is an opportunity to shed light on the mental health challenges faced by millions of displaced individuals worldwide. Refugees often endure unimaginable trauma, from armed conflict and separation from loved ones to legal uncertainties and fear of deportation. These experiences take a heavy toll, with studies suggesting up to 31.5% of refugees experience depression. Sub-Saharan Africa hosts a staggering 18 million refugees, accounting for 25% of the world’s refugee population.

Addressing Male Depression to Transform Families and Communities

Depression affects millions of people worldwide, yet its impact on men remains significantly underreported and undertreated, especially in sub-Saharan Africa where the internalization of masculine norms has made men more susceptible to mental health problems. As an organization, we recognize the necessity of addressing mental health for all people, not just women and adolescents. This Men’s Health Month, we want to shed light on understanding and addressing depression in men, highlighting its br

USAID Invests $1 Million in Uganda

This three-year grant represents the US Government’s first-ever investment in mental health in Uganda. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced a three-year, $1 million partnership with StrongMinds Uganda to integrate mental health services across existing USAID programming throughout the country. The announcement came on the heels of a two-day Mental Health Summit, and culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to solidify the commitment. Throu
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